You Are Not Faithless, You're Being Processed

You Are Not Faithless, You're Being Processed

You have faith for a certain outcome. Yes, most of the times you get that outcome. It happens again and again and again. There are times where your faith and what you’re seeing is not matching. The processing does not indicate a lack of faith. You spoke to the fig tree today and nothing happened. But it began thirty fold, then sixty fold and then a hundred fold. Do not give up because sometimes, the hundred fold comes the next morning. Faith is now, so we demand that it happens now. It won’t always happen now, some are processes and that does not make your faith less valuable. It’s a question of hope. Hope is an anchor for our soul. You don’t need an anchor unless there’s a probability of the ship swaying away.

Do not lose heart; hold onto hope; remain steadfast and unmovable. Allow God to process you. It is in God’s processing that God’s character is built. Don’t get too hard on yourself. Follow me and keep your head up: “You are not faithless, you’re just being processed”.