Genesis 1
Genesis 1:1-3; Hebrews 11:3
In the beginning. before God begins anything, He first creates. God creates by His Word. Everything seen was first in words. If you can put it in words, you can create it.
To create is to put in order, equip for an intended purpose.
The first time we see God’s attitude–his way of doing things–is, He creates with words.
When meditating on this verse, I recalled a scene in an anime titled, Ao Ashi. In that scene, Ashito was tasked to ‘kill it and kick it’. Now Ashito focused on killing the momentum of the ball such much that he could not do anything. Later his teammates showed him how it it done. The words that opened his eyes was: “You want to position yourself into a position where you can pass or kick the ball. The ‘killing’ is not the goal, but it is to help you pass”.
That scene highlighted a verse that spoke about being slow to speak. I think it is in the book of James. Silence has no power. The Holy Spirit was present, but nothing happened until God spoke. The goal of that verse, at least from what I am seeing is not for you to be quiet. The goal is to be intentional about what you create. Silence helps you get there. Silence has no power, words do. Intentional silence has power because what follows is intentional creation.
Genesis 1:2-4
The order – the presence of His Spirit, speak words, then see.
Genesis 1:18
I see a trend of God affirming and sustaining what He created.
Genesis 1:19
A new day begins with an evening. The day happens as a result of light. Now, there is some darkness over your life; it is an indicator that a new day is on the horizon. Light comes in through words. The difference between seeing and not seeing is the words you choose to speak.
Genesis 1:26
Wait, I already have God’s personality and moral characteristics? I also have authority over everything on this earth.
Genesis 1:28
The first instruction to man.
Genesis 2
Genesis 2:2
The first state God entered into after showing us His first attitude is rest.
Genesis 2:7
He worked with His hands and breathed on it to give it life.
Genesis 2:18
Life partner. There is nothing wrong in being unbalanced. The woman brings in the balance. Mine is to listen and follow.
Genesis 3
Genesis 3:3
Do not add unnecessary details.
Genesis 3:5
Disobedience came when man tried to be someone they already are.
Genesis 3:7
God doesn’t want you to be independent of Him.
Genesis 3:8
How sin came:
- Seed of doubt.
- Disobedience.
- Hide from His presence.
Genesis 3:11
Your identity, who you are, what you have, who told you? Remember, faith is a confirmation. The reason God was heartbroken was because they confirmed what the devil said, not what He said.
- All verses are taken from the Amplified Bible.